
(714) 838-2923

Systemic emergencies, by definition, are ones that are of a large-enough scale that they task the community emergency response system. Your business has the responsibility to participate at some level in community emergency preparedness. All of your neighboring businesses should ideally get together and form a committee to collaborate with the City Council or Planning Commission. If there is a systemic emergency, you can all pull together and help mitigate the problem.  

During an emergency a lot of normal response processes are not going to be there. You will eventually get them back — but it may take days or weeks. 

Ensure that security staff and customers served are prepared. Make sure you have identified where to shut services off: electrical, gas, and water if necessary. Know where the valves are and how to shut them off.

It may be helpful to jot down the utilities available at your facility and identify their specific locations. It is important to have this information committed to memory, and in a legible, displayed format in the case of an emergency.

Know where emergency resources are. There may be a shelter close by, or an emergency shelter or evacuation route. Do you have the staff to take care of yourselves along with customers or vendors? Is this information easily accessible by yourself and your staff so that you can take the forefront in an emergency? Even if you know what to do, you must consider your employees as well; an emergency response is a collective effort.

Are you unsure about your company and employees’ level of preparedness? BERT can help conduct a proper assessment and curate a plan specific to you. Take a look at our workshops, or contact us for a free consultation.

Does your facility have an Emergency Action Plan?

Download the BERT Compliance Checklist

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