Attention: Not all establishments are covered by this reporting requirement. Only a small fraction of establishments are required to electronically submit their Form 300A data to OSHA. Establishments under Federal OSHA jurisdiction can use the ITA Coverage Application to determine if they are required to electronically report their injury and illness information to OSHA. Establishments under State Plan jurisdiction should directly contact their State Plan.
Establishments that meet any of the following criteria DO NOT have to electronically report their information to us. Remember, these criteria apply at the establishment level, not to the firm as a whole.
- The establishment’s peak employment during the previous calendar year was 19 or fewer, regardless of the establishment’s industry.
- The establishment’s industry is on Appendix A to Subpart B of OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation, regardless of the size of the establishment.
- The establishment had a peak employment between 20 and 249 employees during the previous calendar year AND the establishment’s industry is NOT on Appendix A to Subpart E of OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation.
Also see the coverage table for additional information.