Now is the time:
Most of us see the start of a new year as a way to reflect, recharge and refresh. This attitude applies to the workplace as well as our personal lives. VPP participants particularly, by their nature, hold themselves to very high performance standards. If you lead or work at a VPP recognized worksite, you know what I’m talking about here. A need for enhanced, focused training has been identified. BERT has stepped up with VPP-Enhanced OSHA Outreach Training.
OSHA’s VPP Star Program rewards exemplary worksites with comprehensive, successful safety and health management systems. And what is at the heart of a successful VPP Star Safety Program?
Training. Training. Training.
A strong “culture of safety” is built upon a multi-tiered system of training that includes all-hands on deck annual courses, specialty department by department courses, topical workshops and weekly or frequent “tool box” or “tailgate” impromptu lessons.
Why does this matter?
It matters because historical records reveal that health and safety training skills are highly perishable. Even the best of people find they can forget key policies and procedures they learned just a short while ago. That’s why every organization, especially VPP participants, needs to offer formal and informal training at regular intervals.
For those of you who work at VPP worksites, the pressure is always on to maintain or actually improve your health and safety training standards. What’s more, you are facing your VPP Annual Self-Evaluation deadline on February 15, 2023.
Section D of OSHA’s report submission document directs VPP participants to “In narrative form, describe the effectiveness of each of the four elements (and their sub-elements) of your safety and health management system”.
As you know, Element 4 is Safety and Health Training.
You may already feel confident in how you will respond to that requirement. There are lots of options. However, we at BERT Workplace Safety Solutions are pleased to announce the launch of a new safety training course product. We call it OSHA 10-Hour General Industry (+) VPP. We are a VPPA Affiliate Member. For several years BERT has developed a strong relationship with VPPPA and has been inspired to develop and offer this program.
What makes this course different than the typical OSHA-10 Hour Class?
Our new programs, OSHA Outreach 10-Hour (+) VPP and OSHA 30–Hour Enhanced are taught by OSHA Authorized Instructors and incorporate VPP concepts.
BERT is offering a Virtual Online Training version of the OSHA 10-Hour (+) VPP course, via Zoom, on Wednesday, January 25th and February 1, 2023 from 8am to 4pm. This course offers your employees the standard OSHA 10-Hour curriculum PLUS an ADDED two-hour unit on the Four Elements of a VPP Star Program.
To register, go to the BERT Workplace Safety Solutions web site.