
(714) 838-2923

BERT helping out at the client facility

BERT on the ground at the client facility.


We at BERT Workplace Safety Solutions save lives by getting into the weeds with our clients, literally and figuratively, no matter how much elbow grease is needed: BERT Works!

There is no better way to illustrate exactly how our safety solution programs work than to share a real-life incident. This is how BERT helped one client and it made all the difference.

At an initial field survey evaluation over a year before the incident, BERT’s Council-Certified Safety Professionals (CEOP’s) identified potential fire hazards at a client’s Los Angeles Highland Park non-medical community care facility.  That report identified several specific recommendations for correction which included a neglected electric fire sprinkler system on a back pathway. Over the months that followed the progress of these, and other safety issues, were tackled.  At the same time employees were trained in a myriad of safety mandates and procedures required from several agencies. 

Thanks to guidance from BERT, the facility had made the necessary improvements to the pathway just 10 days before the incident.

On July 30, 2021, a witness at our client’s facility reported that a tent of an individual experiencing homelessness was engulfed in flames nearby.  The fire was quickly crawling up the client’s hillside towards the pathway and deep into the canyon of the neighboring Debs Park. Flames reached well over 60-feet high within yards of the building.  

The fire was slowed by the newly-repaired electric sprinkler system. Two members of our client’s staff directed the sprinklers to the flames further keeping them at bay. 

After the incident, the BERT Team returned to the site to evaluate the fire damage. We further facilitated the reduction of fire hazards, weeds, and brush. There were also two access paths cut through which will give future fire fighters better access to the remote area.  

A specific plan and action-item list for reducing future damage was presented to the client.  Significant evacuation training was implemented by BERT and an all-hands drill & scenario using local first responders was held implementing and using the ICS (Incident Command System).  

There were no injuries and virtually no loss of property. Moreover, with subsequent mitigation measures facilitated by BERT the risk has been greatly reduced and the staff is more thoroughly trained should any future incident occur.

Want to see how BERT works to help your organization succeed? Contact us for a consultation today.

Fire at the client facility

The fire by the back gate at the client facility.

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